Man’s Right to Do Wrong

Man’s Right to Do Wrong

Man will go against his own interests for no other reason than to prove that he can. Indeed, to overlook just how deeply man cares about his "right" to do wrong inevitably leads to all sorts of unintended consequences. For this reason, among others, utopianism is...

When Freedom is Detrimental

When Freedom is Detrimental

Unless we are disciplined, freedom can actually weaken us. Indeed, it can make us less free. That is because freedom, at least for the undisciplined, manages only to create the space necessary to indulge their impulsivity. For this reason, undisciplined people cannot...

Bored to Death

Bored to Death

Under narrowly defined circumstances, boredom can be a good thing. It can lead to greater levels of creativity. However, the solution to boredom is never to seek out distractions – the habit of which can be spiritually and emotionally devastating. In fact, the need to...



We are not free in a world that permits people to do things that are objectively wrong. So although we’re free to choose between good and evil, at least initially, the degree to which we remain free to choose depends on what we choose. Freedom, therefore, could not...

The Covington Fiasco

The Covington Fiasco

The challenge for all of us is to develop more than just a superficial understanding of ourselves and of the world. The struggle, however, of interpreting things accurately is real. It isn’t just that we “see through a glass, darkly” – in many cases, we have wittingly...

The Danger of Diversity

The Danger of Diversity

Diversity has become a euphemism for moral relativism. This becomes clear when we consider the fact that despite our endless “diversity” initiatives Americans aren’t valuing more things. Quite the contrary, we’re simply abandoning more of our time-honored values. If...

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